Journey of a Mompreneur- Featuring Sonal Doshi

We look around and see women who have carved a niche for themselves in so many fields and sectors. Since a woman is not just a mother or a wife anymore, she also takes pride in juggling many roles simultaneously. Today we bring to you someone who is a classic example of a multi-talented and multi-faceted person. A woman who takes immense pride in all her roles and performs each one to the T.

Sonal Doshi is a mother, wife, an entrepreneur and a teacher. A qualified commerce graduate, MBA in finance, Sonal cleared Independent Director Proficiency Test from IICA.

Sonal co-founded a printing and corporate gifting venture named Amazin Printerrs Pvt. Ltd, along with her husband. She also was running a preschool named Tathastu Educare Pvt.Ltd in past which post covid she has closed down. Currently she is also an independent Director on Boards of Mcon Rasayan Ltd.

Sonal began her entrepreneurial journey nearly 25 years ago and believes that by running your business you generate more employment opportunities for someone and thus fulfil his needs for a lifetime. She constantly explores newer areas of learning and has learnt Reiki, Angel reiki, Aura and Chakra Healing, Basic Vastu and Numerology.

Sonal is an active Rotarian since Jan 2022 to till date.

She has 3 years of experience in the  hospitality industry which they ventured in partnership. (2016-2018). She has 4 years experience in real estate & loan industry (2007 – 2012) as well.

Teaching the quality of self-reliance to her daughter Dishti, Sonal is a true mompreneur. Let’s sit down and hear what she has to share about her admirable journey.

M2M- How did you feel when you became a mother?

Sonal- A feeling which cannot be expressed but only can be experienced. It’s like we have climbed the mountain peak. On top of the world.

M2M- How has being a mother changed you?

Sonal- Not much but yes, a sense of responsibility for raising a soul who is going to be part of this universe, is a bit daunting. So, we turn into a loving, caring and more responsible human being. Someone who is going to be the guiding light for another human being, who completely relies and follows your teachings, behaviour and builds perspective of this world. The changes are natural and expected as well.

M2M- What have you learned about yourself from being a mother?

Sonal- Motherhood is a journey where something’s work and some don’t. But that constant effort of moulding your kids towards the right direction is an ongoing process. I am evolving and learning every day.

M2M- What did you want to be when you grew up?

Sonal- I always dreamt of being independent. As early as I can remember my inclination was to be a Business Woman. To be able to pursue my passion and independently make it happen, was my ultimate goal. Success or failure was not that important. I dreamt of working hard to be independent.

M2M- What made you start your business?

Sonal- From a very young age, I didn’t like to ask for money for my very own existence. I somehow never felt comfortable. This constant feeling kept nudging me. Also, a dream to help others by generating job opportunities, guiding, mentoring to be self-reliant pushed me more to begin something. And it all started with me first. That was the beginning of my venture.

M2M- How hard/easy was it to begin in your line of work?

Sonal- Nothing is hard or easy. It’s your passion towards your work. Rest all are experiences you build and learn along the way in the journey. Every business has ups and downs. It’s always a mixed bag.

M2M- What lessons has your work life taught you?

Sonal- Work like its worship. If we follow this and keep reminding ourselves, then it’s not difficult. The passion and vision should be kept alive always.

M2M- How do you balance motherhood and career?

Sonal- I always believe quality of time is more important than quantity of time. There is no exact measurement of balance. Motherhood and career both are like your own babies so it’s just management of time which needs to be balanced. I try to bridge this gap and balance as per given situations.

M2M- Do you have any advice for Mompreneurs?

Sonal- Not anything in particular but yes, every mom has her own journey. So, maybe what works for me as a mother for my kid may not be apt for any other mother in that situation.

Only thing to remember is that we must “Raise our kids in a way that they become an asset to mankind”.

We wish Sonal the best for her future endeavors and hope she continues to shine and be Amazin!!!